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  1. Sydeny Grob
  2. Cristina Balestro
  3. Natalia Alba
  4. Alberto Bongiovanni
  5. Alessandra Sinopoli
  6. Vera Battini
  7. incendio raffineria petrolio
  8. ricorso ai servizi sanitari
  9. Alessandra Scaburri
  10. Pierluigi Struzzo
  11. Alessandra Sinopoli
  12. Saverio Caini
  13. Andrea Tittarelli
  14. Friuli Venezia Giulia
  15. hub regionali
  16. sedazione palliativa
  17. Elisabetta Cupellaro

Un risultato per Sydeny Grob

Editoriali - 09/12/2020

COVID-19 and cancer in the United States

COVID-19 e cancro negli Stati Uniti
sydeny grob, Lorelei A. Mucci
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, in the United States (US) has been enormous. It is the country with the largest number of confirmed COVID-19 infections, 12.6 million reported by November 25, and the greatest number of COVID-19 related deaths, 260,065 to date, representing 18% of deaths globally. COVID-deaths represent the tip of the iceberg of disease severity. The cumulative hospitalization rate in the US is 120.9 per 100,000 people, with those age 50-64…